Daily Talks

Normalization of the database is a programmers issue which has to fixed by the programmer.It does not depend upon the typr of the database used: be it NoSql or be it Sql

The basic difference between NoSql and MySql database would be that MySql stores data in a schema, tabular form whereas the data in a NoSql is stored in form of hashes which basically speeds up the searches and processes applied on the database.

Rails is a full-stack webframework of ruby which implies that it offers lots of features to be implemented in the framework. It gives you a fully furnished model, view, controller and can incorporate APIs too.

Dated: 02/06/2015 Terminologies used in rails development:- DRY : Don't repeat yourself
KISS : Keep it simple stupid
TDD : Test driven development
FMSC : Fat and skinny model controller
REST : Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture style consisting of guidelines and best practices for creating scalable web services.

$rake routes is used to display the routes
$rake -T is used to display all the tasks defined under rake
:get=>'/' implies we are mapping http get request at the home